A windows 7 launch party with tech ppl seems like a waste. I’ve invited friends who will greatly benefit from my personal knowledge
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A windows 7 launch party with tech ppl seems like a waste. I’ve invited friends who will greatly benefit from my personal knowledge
Wearing my Windows 7 launch shirt… HAPPY WINDOWS 7 DAY!… and happy birthday to my daughter Jeanine, who turns 6 today #fb
RT @devhammer: …chat about #Win7 with Bill Vanko on WBAL this morning: http://bit.ly/3SgzFn ^CSF – Great job Hammer!
RT @shanselman: Visual Studio 2010 and .NET 4 Beta 2 people! Details and new splash screen: http://bit.ly/2QjYZE – RT with a vengeance!
If you’re a developer, and ppl are using your code, you ARE a good developer. You become a BETTER dev by shipping MORE code that ppl use