This is a tough one for me.. I am not usually one to stray from the spotlight, but I saw Jim Holmes post on Twitter that CodeMash is now open for speaker submissions, and I got nervous.
CodeMash is a different conference for me. I have only ever spoken at User-Group and CodeCamp conferences… this would be my first “pay to attend” conference that I would be submitting to.
Additionally, the timing for CodeMash is goofy for me. My wife just started back to college full-time and my daughters both attend elementary school. CodeMash is scheduled for the middle of the first week of January, in Ohio… a good 8 hour drive from home.
I’m nervous about this one… a first for me. I think I gotta do it.. after all, I’ve already given a shot at Tech Ed 2012. How am I going to feel when THAT call for submissions goes out?