Author Archives: Jeff

C-Sharp Casting of Types

This post is a response to an article from a series of posts from Iris Classon called “Stupid Questions”, and this particular article discusses the preferred way to cast types in c-sharp.

So… how should we cast a type in c-sharp?  The ‘as’ keyword gives us the capability of casting reference types without an error.  In other words, if you are attempting to cast to a type that is NOT supported by the type submitted, no error is thrown.  This is a VERY good thing.

For reference, if you are casting a value type (int, long, double, decimal) you don’t have the choice of using the “as” statement.  Instead, you will need to use a Convert.ToInt32() statement (or something similar) to change types.  However, this discussion isn’t about value types…

Consider: If you want to ensure that an object is cast properly to another type, you will need to wrap your direct cast statement in a try-catch block to ensure that no error is thrown.  Your statement will look similar to the following:

            var c = new object();

                var x = (Customer)c;
            catch (Exception e)

This seems like a very simple statement, and an acceptable way to handle the scenaro.  The same operation with an “as” clause will look like:

            var c = new object();

            var x = c as Customer;
            if (x == null)
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Did not cast properly");

But lets look a little closer at the IL (Interpreted Language) generated by the compiler by these two examples.  First, the direct cast:

.locals init ([0] object c,
           [1] class CastDemo.Customer x,
           [2] class [mscorlib]System.Exception e)
  IL_0000:  nop
  IL_0001:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
  IL_0006:  stloc.0
    IL_0007:  nop
    IL_0008:  ldloc.0
    IL_0009:  castclass  CastDemo.Customer
    IL_000e:  stloc.1
    IL_000f:  nop
    IL_0010:  leave.s    IL_0023
  }  // end .try
  catch [mscorlib]System.Exception 
    IL_0012:  stloc.2
    IL_0013:  nop
    IL_0014:  call       class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
    IL_0019:  ldloc.2
    IL_001a:  callvirt   instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::WriteLine(object)
    IL_001f:  nop
    IL_0020:  nop
    IL_0021:  leave.s    IL_0023
  }  // end handler
  IL_0023:  nop
  IL_0024:  ret

You can clearly see that the Try statement is ALWAYS fired in the first example… we will always run through the test for the exception.  In fact, the exception object is already allocated in memory on the first line!  Additionally, the call to castclass on line IL_0009 is where we attempt to make our conversion.. if no error is thrown, it jumps to line IL_0023.

… and then the IL for the “as” statement example:

  .locals init ([0] object c,
           [1] class CastDemo.Customer x,
           [2] bool CS$4$0000)
  IL_0000:  nop
  IL_0001:  newobj     instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
  IL_0006:  stloc.0
  IL_0007:  ldloc.0
  IL_0008:  isinst     CastDemo.Customer
  IL_000d:  stloc.1
  IL_000e:  ldloc.1
  IL_000f:  ldnull
  IL_0010:  ceq
  IL_0012:  ldc.i4.0
  IL_0013:  ceq
  IL_0015:  stloc.2
  IL_0016:  ldloc.2
  IL_0017:  brtrue.s   IL_0029
  IL_0019:  call       class [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter [mscorlib]System.Console::get_Out()
  IL_001e:  ldstr      "Did not cast properly"
  IL_0023:  callvirt   instance void [mscorlib]System.IO.TextWriter::WriteLine(string)
  IL_0028:  nop
  IL_0029:  ret

This snippet shows that the code on line IL_0008 checks for the instance type and on line IL_0017 will exit the method if the variable is set to null.  The difference in our safety check is that the second example is directly asking if the type was converted properly, instead of relying on the try-catch to rescue us when the code doesn’t behave properly.

The performance cost of the try-catch block is trivial, a few microseconds on each call.. but the practice that is troubling here is the use of try-catch to control flow.

In computer science, we define “control flow” as the order in which coded statements are executed.  We can control flow with constructs like if, switch, and for.  If you suspect that your try-catch wrapping the cast statement is going to fail ‘regularly’ and that the catch will not truly be an ‘exceptional’ case… then you are using the try-catch to control flow.  This is considered an anti-pattern, as it changes the intent of the catch clause.

Consider:  if you have coded a catch block that traps the abstract Exception object, you have now hidden EVERYTHING that could possibly go wrong with your cast statement.  There are plenty of reasons why your cast failed, and the exception that the runtime will throw when your cast fails is System.InvalidCastException  If you need to go this route, then catch this exception, because otherwise you are hiding all kinds of events that COULD be happening to your application.

Either of these techniques is valid for casting variables.    I hope this gives some insight into what the CLR is doing when you cast types, and also demonstrate good practices when converting reference types in c-sharp

This is my first screencast in a planned series of videos that will demonstrate and discuss some unit testing and test driven development practices that I have found to be useful.  In this video, we verify that a RESTful client is communicating with a webserver by redirecting it to a hosted NancyFX server under our control.

RESTful Client Unit Testing with NancyFX

Image courtesy of Scott Shiller

Over the past week or so, I’ve been working on some code that will query a RESTful service.  As I was writing this code, I separated the network communication from the processing of the content.  In my mind, this is a good isolation of the two concerns.  The challenge that I faced, was how do I test the communication with these external services?

I am a unit testing fanatic.  I have had horror stories of getting to the final few days of a project and one of my quality assurance analysts informing me that a bug was found in a block of code that wasn’t directly touched.  I’ll go into my thoughts on TDD, BDD, and the other testing practices in another post… 

How should I test a block of code that is dependent on a third party resource?  Isolate the resource, and ‘mock’ it.  Typically, this approach is handled through a Mocking library.  Personally, I prefer the Moq library… but in this case, Moq isn’t going to completely handle my problem.  

The following code has been sanitized to protect the innocent.  Consider the following simple classes to request data from the service:

    /// A simple DTO
    public class MyOrder

        public int Id;
        public string CustomerName;
        public decimal OrderTotal;


    public class ClientConnector

        public Uri ServiceLocation = new Uri("");

        public IEnumerable GetOrders()

            var req = WebRequest.Create(ServiceLocation);

            WebResponse resp = null;
            resp = req.GetResponse();

            var js = new JavaScriptSerializer();
            var sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream());
            var orders = js.Deserialize(sr.ReadToEnd());

            return orders;



Note the referenced service location on line 16. This is where we can start injecting our Mock service.

I have used the NancyFX web server in the past for small projects where I needed to host a WebUI inside of an application as a ‘remote console’ for an administrator. In this case, we can use the Nancy service as a mock host for our unit tests to demonstrate that the service is properly communicating with the service provider.

In a unit test project, we can add the following NuGet references to get started:

Now we can start a TestFixture class with a Nancy service started and maintained for the duration of the fixture:

    public class SimpleFixture

        private NancyHost _Nancy;

        protected Uri _MyUri = new Uri("http://localhost:50001");

        public void FixtureSetup()

            _Nancy = new NancyHost(_MyUri);

            // Need to retry in order to ensure that we properly startup after any failures
            for (var i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Exception setting up: " + e);

            // Prime the connection
            var req = WebRequest.Create(_MyUri);


        public void FixtureTeardown()
                _Nancy = null;
            catch { }

        public class StubModule : NancyModule
            public static bool _Connected = false;

            public StubModule()
                Get["/"] = _ =>
                                   _Connected = true;
                                   return "[]";


Check out line 7, this is where I have defined the base URI for the Nancy webserver to listen on.  It is important that the port to be listened on be in the 50000 range, as these network ports are all marked for private use.

In Nancy, we write NancyModule classes that define how to respond to Http Requests.  The StubModule written in this code defines a single route to return data on. At line 60 you’ll see where I have configured this initial Get request handler to return a pair of brackets.  For this sample service, it is expecting an array of JavaScript objects to be returned, so the square brackets in the StubModule indicate an empty JavaScript array.  To wire-up a test for my simple method, it might look something like this:

        public void WhenNoOrdersAreAvailableShouldReturnEmptyOrdersCollection()
            // Arrange
            var connector = new MyRestClient.ClientConnector
                                    ServiceLocation = _MyUri
            // Act
            var result = connector.GetOrders();

            // Assert
            Assert.IsTrue(StubModule._Connected, "Did not request data from the service");
            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Did not return data from Connector - at a minimum we should get an Empty collection");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, result.Count(), "Returned items in the array, when none were transmitted");


Now I have a simple test that can be used to verify that my RESTful client made a connection to the Nancy service and returned successfully.  Other tests with mocked responses from Nancy can be written and stubbed results can be further defined in the StubModule.

Vermont.Net Wrap-up

On Monday, June 18th I made the trek from my home near Philadelphia to Burlington, Vermont for a speaking engagement with the Vermont.Net user group.  This was my first speaking engagement for a user group outside of the Philadelphia area, and I must admit: I was a tad nervous about the trip.  

I’m not one who enjoys driving for long trips.  If I drove straight through to Burlington, it would have been a 7 hour drive… yuck.  I worked out that I could drive to New York for a JetBlue flight to Vermont.  That may sound strange, but it cut my travel time by two hours, gave me some rest after driving and my expenses were going to be covered by INETA.  With the speaker travel reimbursement offer from them, I just about broke even on the travel costs.

My drive to the JFK airport looked like it would be uneventful, as I left after morning rush-hour in the Philadelphia area and crossed into New Jersey with good speed, and no traffic.  I pulled into a rest stop on the Jersey Turnpike to grab some snacks before lunch near JFK, and departed to find myself stopped not 5 miles further down the road.  Fire trucks went screaming down the shoulder and traffic started moving about 10 minutes later.  The culprit: a car had caught on fire in the middle of the road.  I have never seen a vehicle spontaneously-combust, but in Jersey, I guess these things happen.  The rest of the drive to JFK was uneventful and I found the Jetblue personnel to be very friendly and helpful, a blessing for a first time traveler on their airline.

When I arrived in Vermont, I was a bit surprised at how small the Burlington airport was…  all of my prior flights had been to larger cities: Boston, Detroit, Phoenix, Dallas, Orlando, Atlanta… you get the picture.  I was greeted by Matt Bean from the Vermont.Net user group and we went for a quick walking tour through Burlington.

The event started at 6:30 at’s offices in Winooski.  The venue was an interesting setup as I had a projector hooked up to my laptop and alternate video split to two large LCD displays that were facing me.  This was a big help to me, as I have been ‘accused’ of referring to my slides and speaking towards them too much when I present.

Presenting at VT.Net

I was the first of two speakers on this evening, and presented my ‘Introduction to CQRS’ talk.  For those that have not seen it, I discuss the differences between a standard n-tier architecture and a CQRS/DDD architecture in a web application.  I use a modified version of the NerdDinner website to demonstrate how a domain object is constructed, task-based-ui can be implemented, and how events are stored and are then available for an ‘audit-log’ type of presentation.  The group was great, and had lots of feedback and questions.  As this was an introductory talk, I led them to the sample code of NerdDinner I had posted to BitBucket for more experimenting after the event.

The second speaker was the accomplished and very impressive Glenn Block.  Glenn spoke for an hour on WebAPI, and opened my eyes to some of the easier ways to reliably have machines communicate with each other over standard web ports.  I’ll be considering how best to use WebAPI in my next project for my employer…

After meeting discussions

The real experiences that I gained from this trip was the discussions after the meeting.  An unexpected visitor in the form of Darrel Miller who came in from Montreal to talk a bit about REST services.  After some discussion between Glenn Darrel and myself, I was impressed with the depth and direction that REST services are headed.  While I initially entered the discussion with the feeling the REST was just another way to communicate with a webserver, I learned that there was a lot more to it.  I definitely need to spend more time researching content types and header records that are used in requests to RESTful services, as this is a communication strategy I planned to use in my next sprint.

Finally, I got to spend the second day of my trip with the amazing Julie Lerman.  Julie is the author of several books on the Entity Framework, and I had a full day to enjoy with this brilliant technologist.  What a good thing for me as I spent the previous 6 months leading a project that uses Entity Framework as the core data access technology.  We spent the day hiking, chatting, and enjoying the amazing views and mountains of Vermont.  I was able to ask several questions that had been dogging my team, and got some great insight as to how my team should address our issues in a future sprint. Many thanks to Julie for her hospitality during my visit. 

All in all, a great trip to Vermont.  I learned a lot from a group of great technologists who were visiting the area for the evening.  For a first trip outside of my geographic comfort zone, it was very encouraging to me.  I now have some confidence that I can do more of these trips over the coming months.  

I’ll be putting together talks on Windows 8 development with Javascript, QUnit-Metro development, and perhaps an Asp.Net MVC 4 talk as well.  Look for me to visit New York, Virginia, Harrisburg, Allentown, and a visit or two with my favorite Philly.Net folks as well.