Tag Archives: practices

Agile Development and Professional Development Teams

I’ve been an avid reader and follower of Agile Methodologies since 2003 when I read “Teach Yourself Extreme Programming in 24 Hours“.  This short and simple book laid the groundwork for my entrance into Extreme Programming and eventually a Scrum team approach to software.

In recent years, many organizations have embraced the Scrum methodology.  The big promises management hears are:

  • Developers will produce more code in a shorter amount of time
  • You can change your in-house applications more easily
  • Defect rates will go to zero

All very good things.  But these results are impossible to achieve if the development team is not staffed with professionals.  

“Uncle” Bob Martin visited the Philly.Net usergroup in December 2012 and shared with us his thoughts on what makes up a professional development team:

Demanding Professionalism: Uncle Bob @ Philly .NET User Group (PLUS WordWrap Kata) from 8th Light on Vimeo.