Wow… what a weekend. On this past Friday, I ran an eight-hour long virtual workshop on Twitch with 7 guests that covered a bunch of different software architecture projects. Here’s a YouTube playlist of the entire event, minus the transitions between each guest when I was connecting them to the event:
The guests for the entire day were amazing, brought a ton of information, and from the looks of my GitHub have inspired a number of viewers to create pull-requests and think about the architecture of the CoreWiki project we are working on. The full line-up for the event, and the list of episodes in the above playlist is:
Episode 1: Steve Smith – Clean Architecture
Episode 2: Julie Lerman – Domain Driven Design and Entity Framework
Episode 3: Jimmy Bogard – CQRS and the MediatR framework
Episode 4: Mark Miller – User Interface Design
Episode 5: Miguel Castro – Application Extensibility
Episode 6: Cecil Phillip – Serverless Concepts and Architecture
Episode 7: Steve Lasker – How and Why to use Containers
I hope you enjoyed the content from the virtual workshop. I’m going to talk to some of our presenters about coming back to my Twitch stream to dig a bit further into their topics. Also, I can announce our NEXT workshop is August 10 with some friends from Xamarin and the Xamarin University team teaching us how to build our first mobile application with C#, .NET, and Xamarin… all FREE technologies.