I went a little long on the stream, and it felt really good. I answered a first question from the issues list, and I think we have a nice integration with the Twitch and Mixer APIs.
I answered a question about the updates to ASP.NET Web Forms and the future of the framework. The 4.7.1 framework shipped with the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update, and includes a number of security fixes as well as the ConfigurationBuilders feature that we have been building on with our Fritz.ConfigurationBuilders project. Additionally, we had an announcement blog post of a set of Microsoft-supported providers. There are new features planned for the next release of the .NET Framework, that will ship with the next version of Windows.
There was a follow-up question about the licensing for containers in Windows. I didn’t have an immediate answer, but Jeff Dalley in the chat room shared a Docker blog post about the topic. The short-version of the answer is that if you are running on a licensed Windows machine, you can run an unlimited number of Windows containers. I asked him to link his blog post to the issue… completing the circle.
We then moved back to the Rundown project, and started wiring up to the Twitch and Mixer APIs. The chat room recommended I checkout the TwitchLib project, and some folks from the project team heard I was using their library and jumped into the chat room to help out. Big thanks to them for their assistance.
I built a pair of background services that implemented the IHostedService interface. This interface, when registered with the ASP.NET Core dependency injection container, triggers the framework to start and run the registered class on a background thread. Simple, elegant, and genius. Check out how I double-registered the TwitchService and MixerService classes in the Startup class.
With these bits registered, I think I’m almost ready to switch my Followers count on the stream to start using this value from the service. I just want to verify the code that will keep those values updated during the stream… and we’ll work out that code next time.