Author Archives: Jeff

Building a NuGet Package with NuGet Package Explorer and Refactoring

Updated – changed my stream schedule

Today on the stream, I started with some housekeeping and introduced my schedule.  I will stream live on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday mornings at 10am ET.  On weeks when I am traveling, I will do my best to keep to this schedule and may end up streaming from an event… but I think this is a good schedule to start with.  Today’s stream is syndicated to YouTube in my Fritz and Friends playlist and you can view it below:

Once I started coding, I showed the NuGet Package Explorer by installing it from the Windows Store.  From there, I configured my ConfigurationBuilders project to be bundled as a NuGet package and built the package using the Package Explorer.  The resulting package was uploaded to the repository and is now available for you to use as a preview version.

Next, I did some refactoring of my project names so that I had a samples folder and didn’t have the IntegrationTest project name.  I think ‘samples’ is a friendlier name for folks who are looking to use your project for the first time and want to learn how to use it.

Finally, I did some test refactoring and set up to start integrating YAML as a configuration file source for projects.  I hope you join me on Tuesday the 28th at 10am for my next broadcast!

Starting to Stream

I’ve taken some inspiration from my friend Suze Hinton, with a little encouragement from my other friends Carl and Richard, and started streaming some live coding exercises.  I’m going on Twitch and showing my Visual Studio along with a camera on my face and writing some code.  You can find my stream at go ahead over there and click the follow button so that you can receive notifications of when I’m going online.

My First Twitch Stream

My First Twitch Stream

On today’s stream, I wanted to configure continuous integration for my current open source project, Fritz.ConfigurationBuilders.  I tried setting up Visual Studio Team Services, but ran into an issue where the build agents don’t yet have .NET Framework 4.7.1 installed and ready to go.  Instead, I reverted to using AppVeyor and used their service for open source projects to build my project whenever there is a change in GitHub.

I’m not sure yet how frequently I’ll stream, but I’d like to do it twice a week just before lunch time on the East Coast.  We’ll see how it goes, and I plan to make videos of every broadcast available for download and perhaps even as a podcast.  I’ll measure whether to do that based on interest.

Update: I have started exporting broadcasts to YouTube, and have corrected the link to today’s stream so that it connects to the YouTube video.  Twitch doesn’t keep past broadcasts around for long, and YouTube keeps videos permanently.

How to Avoid Angering Your Readers and Successfully Market Your Brand on the Internet

Everyone has access to social media today, and everyone can write anything they want to literally anyone on social media, and the world can see what you’re talking about.  However, removing and changing this content after it has been published can be a real hassle, and it is already in the hands of other folks from the moment that you share your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn post, or YouTube video.  Typically, this isn’t a problem, but what about those topics that you’re passionate about and are a little controversial?  On a blog, you have a lot more control over what content appears and you can remove it more easily, but if Google,, or another archiving service indexes your blog you won’t be able to remove content from those services cache easily. Continue reading

Modern Configuration for ASP.NET 4.7.1 with ConfigurationBuilders

I’ve been thinking and working with application configuration in ASP.NET applications for years, and its become a tool that I’m very comfortable using. I can add AppSettings, create configuration sections, and manage connectionstrings without thinking twice. However, there is a problem with the current ConfigurationManager and the XML-based config file offering in the .NET Framework: how do I get configuration entries from other sources into my application so that I don’t need to build my own configuration client and tools?  Continue reading

Fritz’s 10 Minute Tips – ASP.NET Core Configuration

I recorded another short video to show the various ways that you can configure an ASP.NET Core application.

In the video, I show how to configure your application with:

  • Strongly-typed configuration classes
  • appsettings.json
  • environment variables
  • environment variables in web.config
  • user-secrets

Interested in seeing more sample videos like this?  I have more ideas and demos that I show at events that I can convert to YouTube videos if there is interest.