Wow… what a weekend. On this past Friday, I ran an eight-hour long virtual workshop on Twitch with 7 guests that covered a bunch of different software architecture projects. Here’s a YouTube playlist of the entire event, minus the transitions between each guest when I was connecting them to the event:
Category Archives: Fritz and Friends
The Free C# Virtual Workshop – from Basics to Experts
It’s no secret: I’m really enjoying my Live Coding Stream. There’s something invigorating about spending time with friends and writing code together. I’ve had guests on the show to teach about various topics, and show us how to improve our code. But every now and again, I get the itch to REALLY teach.. and I plan a full-day workshop.
On Friday, May 18th I hosted our second workshop on the stream. This C# Workshop covered items for beginners, intermediate developers, and even an advanced topic or two. I originally planned the event for 8 hours with 8 different guest pair-programmers, but we hit a milestone of 1,000 subscribers on YouTube and I had a ninth speaker asking to join the event. How could I refuse Scott Hanselman asking to join and show how to apply your C# skills to a Raspberry Pi device?
State of the Stream – April 2018
It’s been a little over 5 months since I started writing code on a live video stream on Twitch. What started as an experiment, writing code with folks watching, has become a full-fledged pair-programming experience with participants joining in-person and pull-requests being reviewed on a regular basis. My goal was, and continued to be simple: make learning about software development easy and accessible to everyone.
A lot has changed since I started streaming: we’ve learned a lot together, we’ve gone on the road together, and we’ve even done a live stream in front of a live audience. I want to take a moment and reflect on what has worked well, what has not worked well, and talk about the future of the live stream. Continue reading
Streaming on the Road – My First Attempt
I’m on the road this week, traveling and helping with a conference in Seattle. Streaming while on the road, and in a Pacific coast city that’s home to both Microsoft and Amazon… no PROBLEM! Wrong.. plenty of problems. Let’s take a look at my on-the-road configuration and some of the challenges that require assistance when attempting to present away from my home. Continue reading
Goal Achieved – and this week’s summary of .NET Live Coding
What an ending to this week… we wrote a LOT of code, and I’m proud to say that a fair amount of the code added to the projects this week were submitted from viewers. THANK YOU! … and that’s just the beginning of the story from the week ending January 20, 2018 Continue reading