Goals, Resolutions, and Looking Forward to 2019

Image courtesy of Marco Verch @ Flickr

I haven’t really put pen to paper or committed bytes around a resolution in the past, but I want to make some changes and set some goals for my stream in the year ahead. I not only want to improve it professionally, but also make some personal changes for the better.

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The CsharpFritz 2018 Year in Review

Photo of Jeff

It’s the end of 2018, and I’ve spent the last few days reflecting on my accomplishments, on-going projects, and missed opportunities. I always struggle when it comes time to reflect on what I have accomplished, especially when it comes time for year-end reviews with HR-like folks. I want to get better at that, so I’ll blog a bit more here to review some of the cool things from the last 12 months

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Deploying ASP.NET Core with .NET Framework using Docker

When working with Docker, most folks are very familiar with deploying and building Linux-based containers.  ASP.NET Core is a web framework that works great on both Windows and Linux, and can run on both the cross-platform .NET Core framework and the classic .NET Framework.  Last week, I was asked about how to package that ASP.NET Core application such that it runs on .NET Framework on a Windows-based container with IIS.  I took some time on my live-stream show and walked through the process.

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Fritz and Friends Software Architecture Virtual Workshop

Fritz and Friends present The Virtual Software Architecture Workshop

Wow… what a weekend. On this past Friday, I ran an eight-hour long virtual workshop on Twitch with 7 guests that covered a bunch of different software architecture projects.  Here’s a YouTube playlist of the entire event, minus the transitions between each guest when I was connecting them to the event:

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